Enfapro A+

Enfapro A+

Basic Prescribing Info
Per 100 g Protein 15.7 g, fat 15.2 g, DHA 76 mg, arachidonic acid 152 mg, linoleic acid (omega 6, ARA precursor) 2,200 mg, α-linolenic acid (omega 3, DHA precursor) 210 mg, carbohydrate 62 g, sialic acid 161 mg, minerals (ash) 4 g, vit A 1,340 iu, vit D 270 iu, vit E 7.6 iu, vit K1 30 mcg, thiamine 350 mcg, riboflavin 1,030 mcg, vit B6 310 mcg, vit B12 3.3 mcg, niacin 5,100 mcg, folic acid 72 mcg, pantothenic acid 3,100 mcg, biotin 11.6 mcg, vit C 89 mg, choline 107 mg, taurine 24 mg, Ca 510 mg, phosphorus 410 mg, Mg 47 mg, Fe 8 mg, Zn 4.5 mg, manganese 58 mcg, copper 290 mcg, iodine 134 mcg, Na 197 mg, K 720 mg, Cl 420 mg, nucleotides 19.2 mg. Energy: 447 kCal.
MIMS Class
Infant Nutritional Products
ATC Classification
V06C - INFANT FORMULAS ; Used as general nutrients in infant formulas.
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